Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Wednesday's Waffle

- Current mood; Exhausted

- For the past four days I have been working the late shifts at work. I basically start at 4pm and then will finish around 1am [2:30am on a Saturday] and these shifts take all my energy! By the time I have got home and unwound it's around 4am. So I end up sleeping during the day and by the time I get up it's time to do it all again. I HATE these shifts with a passion cause I pretty much have no time for a life for four days and I dont get time to write some posts for you lovely ladies.
- I was hoping to get a Valentines post up for you lucky ladies that have someone to spend it with on Monday but to be quite honest I don't know whether I have the time now :( I'm so tired today, the light has gone and I'm back to work tomorrow! But if people are still interested in seeing a nice make up look for Valentines then I shall try my best to get it up in time!

- For those of you who follow me on Twitter you will have seen the results of my Week One Weigh In! I had my weigh in on Monday and technically it was a 6day weigh in as I started the Cambridge Diet last Tuesday.. BUT in the first six days of the diet I lost 8lbs!!! I'm so so happy! It's the motivation I need to keep sticking to it.
I feel so much more confident and my skin is clearing up like a dream!

 [The trick to weight loss ^ ;)]

- Definitely have to thank Hannah for her help! She's doing so well on the Cambridge Diet and if it wasn't for her success I wouldn't have got off my bum and started myself!
If you aren't following her then you must do so now, she has a great blog which can be found here.

Haven't really got much to say this week seeing as my life has been ruled by work!

Hopefully I shall have another post up in a couple of days :)

Follow me on Twitter for more regular updates if you're interested in following my little weight loss journey!

Hope you dolls are well!

Kate x


Anonymous said...

Ohh hun! i'm happy for you :) It's amazing seeing such high weight loss numbers isn't it! You've done soo well, and at this rate you'll be off it in no time!! :)!! xxx

Jenna said...

Good luck on the diet! I really want to diet too, but I can't control myself when there are so many goodies out there. What is the cambridge diet? Thanks for posting!

xo, Jay

Kate said...

Thank you Hannah! I do hope so!xx

Thanks Jay! The Cambridge Diet is a plan that's quite big in the UK, they provide calorie controlled sachets of shakes, soups & porridges and it has all the vitamins and minerals you need in there to lose weight safely. You also have a one on one meeting each week with your rep where he/she will weigh you, give you advice if you need it etc.
It's pretty hardcore depending on what step you go on but it's definitely worth it!xx

Abby said...

8lbs is really good!